Wittersham in Kent Village Guide

Wedding Body / Kenward

9 Oct 1901. Newspaper name not recorded.

A marriage in which keen local interest was taken was celebrated on Wednesday afternoon at the church of St. Stephen, South Dulwich. The contracting parties were Miss Mabel Kenward, younger daughter of the late Mr. Trayton Kenward, of Icklesham, and Mrs. Kenward, of Montagu House, Crystal Palace Parade, Upper Norwood, and Mr. J. Body, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. John Body, of Wittersham. The bride is a well known and much liked lady, and the popularity of the bridegroom, both as a gentleman and a sportsman, is deservedly great. The sacred edifice was artistically adorned for the ceremony, the chancel, which contains a splendid fresco (valued at £800) by Sir Edwards Poynter, being massed with palms and ferns and flowering plants. The Rev. T.T. Churton, Rector of Bexhill, and recently Vicar of Icklesham, performed the ceremony, being assisted by the Rev. T.E. White, Vicar of St. Stephens, South Dulwich. The Rev. Theodore Johnson, Rector of Bodiam, had intended to assist.

The bride, charmingly radiant, wore a costume of white satin, with a side flounce of chiffon round the skirt, the bodice having a bolero of paillettes studded with pearls. A big chou of chiffon in front was draped up with sprays of orange blossoms. She wore a lace veil and wreath of orange blossoms, and carried a magnificent shower bouquet of white heather and roses, the gift of the bridegroom. The bridesmaids were Miss Midred Holm (a cousin of the bride), Miss Lottie [This has been crossed through by Kitty – it must have been Mary Louisa Body] and Miss Kathleen Body (sisters of the bridegroom), Miss Primrose Bartholomew, and Miss Elsie Craig. They were costumed in pale blue glace silk trimmed with white chiffon, and wore white picture hats trimmed with ostrich feathers. They carried shower bouquets of Parma violets, and wore brooches of turquoise and pearls, both the gifts of the bridegroom. The bride was escorted to the altar and given away by her brother (Mr. R. Kenward) and her train was born by Master Jack Stevens, wearing a sailor’s white suit. The bridegroom was attended by his brother (Mr. Thomas Munn Body) as “best man”.

The service was choral, the clergy and choristers meeting the bridal procession at the porch, the processional hymn being “The voice that breathed o’er Eden”. Psalm lxvii was chanted, and from it the Rev. T.T. Churton took his text, “God, even our own God, shall give us His blessing”, and addressed the bride and bridegroom in earnest and affectionate terms. The hymn “Thine for ever, God of love” preceded the blessing, given by the Vicar. The organist, Mr. Charles Lawrence, Mus. Bac. Oxon., played the £Bridal Procession” from “Lohengrin” (Wagner); “Benediction Nuptials” (Dubois); “Elevation chaminade”; Allegretto from “Lobgesang” (Mendelssohn); and Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March”.

The company present at the church included, we observed, Mrs. Kenward, Mr. and Mrs. John Body, Captain and [this, again, has been crossed through by Kitty] Mrs. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dawes, Miss Elsie Dawes, Dr. Wade, Mr. and Mrs. A. and Miss Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. C. and Miss Vidier.

A quiet reception was held during the afternoon at Montagu House, after which he happy couple left en route for the Continent, where the honeymoon will be spent. The bride’s going away costume was tailor-made of red cloth striped with black, and big white felt picture hat, with black ostrich feathers inside brim.

The presents, numerous and costly, included –
Bride to Bridegroom, fitted dressing case.
Bridegroom to Bride, piano (Codard) and set of sables.
Mrs. Kenward (mother of the Bride), household linen, dessert and fish knives and forks.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Body, plate and trap.
Captain and Mrs. C.J. Stevens, (sister of the bride), dinner gong and sapphire and diamond ring.
Master J. Stevens, silver-mounted trinket box.
Mr. Robert Kenward, revolving breakfast dish and silver cigarette box.
Mr. A.J. Kenward, silver hot water jug.
Mr. F.C. Kenward, silver tea tray.
Mr. Richard Kenward, morocco dressing bag.
Mr. E. Kenward, silver teapot and silver cigarette box.
Mr. C. Kenward, set of silver salt cellars.
Mr. W. Body, silver butter dish.
The Misses Body, standard lamp.
Mr. T.M. Body, glass and coffee cups.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Holmes, clock.
Messrs. R. and G. and the Misses Holmes, silver salver.
Mr. R.B. and Miss Dorothy Holmes, grape scissors.
Mr. J.R. Holmes, flower pot.
Mr. Alfred Body, silver photo frame.
Mrs. R. Kenward, rose bowl.
Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Kenward, cake basket.
Mrs. J.C. Holmes, vase.
Miss Ford, silver dessert spoons and sugar sifter.
Mrs. Saunders, china cup and saucer.
Miss Bartholomew, entree dish.
Mr. and Mrs. Mace, silver-mounted jam pot.
Miss Craig, worked tablecloth and cosy.
Miss J. Bartholomew, silver sugar tongs.
Miss Curteis and the Misses Burra, silver mustard pot.
Messrs. H.C. and R.P. Burra, decanters.
Miss Turl, silver tea set.
Misses Comfort, silver-plated cheese, biscuit and butter dish.
Misses Thomas, Doulton ware ornament.
Mr. Kennington, Ambleside kettle.
The Rev. and Mrs. Johnson, silver candlesticks
Mr. A. Johnson, silver-handled bread knife.
Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Vidler, salad bowl.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dawes and family, silver rose bowls.
Miss Helen Smith, silver butter knife.
Mr. and Mrs. Abbey, two silver cake dishes.
Mr. ad Mrs. Prentice, silver vases.
Miss Ann Sharwood, silver-mounted salt cellars.
Miss Lizzie Field, silver-mounted match box.
Miss Lizzie Chapman, silver bread fork.
Miss Goulby, clock.
Misses Gilmour, Japanese embroidered table centre.
Mrs. Stevens, St. Malo flower vase.
Miss D.M. Compton, table cloth, d’oyleys, and silver mustard pot.
Mr., Mrs. And the Misses Pilgrim, silver scent bottle.
The Rev. and Mrs. G.L. Bates, claret jug.
Dr. Wynne, silver photo frame.
The Rev. and Mrs. H.P. Edridge, Bible.
Mr and Mrs. Piercy, silver-mounted scent bottle.
Mr. Courtenay Stevens, inkstand.
Mr. and Mrs. Ainsworth Barr, two silver rose bowls.
Miss Pullan, silver photo frame.
Mr. and Mrs. Keeling, silver inkpot and tray.
Miss Keeling, silver mounted blotter.
Dt. Wade, silver serviette rings.
Mr. A. Piper, silver Apostle spoons.
Miss and Mr. J.F. Selmes, silver cigarette case.
Miss Ellen Yarley, butter dish.
Mrs. Smith, jug of Sussex ware.
Mr. John Eden, silver pen and pencil case.
Mr. and Mrs. Ticehurst, silver sugar caster.
Mr. Robert Skinner, pair of silver-mounted cut glass vases.
Mr. Wilde, fish, game and meat carvers.
Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Jupp, scent bottle.
Mrs. Franks, biscuit box.
Mrs. and Miss Whitehead, blotter.
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Day, silver toast rack.
Mr. and Mrs. James Cooper, Sussex ware candlestick.
Dr. and Mrs. J.R. Skinner, cut glass silver-mounted flower vases.
Wittersham Cricket Club, inkstand.
Mr. R. Piper, sardine dish.
Mr. and Mrs. Piper, silver and ivory paper knife.
The Misses Standen, silver pen wiper.
Mrs. Gosbee, letter rack.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Vidler, jam spoon.
Miss K. Abbey, photo frame.
Miss Lena Greig, flower vase.
Mr. and Mrs. Lemon, tea caddy.
Mr. and Mrs. T.G. Sharpe, silver mounted match stand.
Mr. and Mrs. E.P.S. Jones, two pictures.
Dr. and Mrs. Albert Vidler, silver muffineers.
Mr. R.A. Neave, breakfast service.
Mr. C.C. Neave, two photos in frame.
Three Widows, set of jugs.
Employees at Wittersham and Bodiam, dining room clock and fish carvers.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter, drawing room mirror.
Mr. and Mrs. Kingsnorth, nut crackers.
Mr. Desprez, morocco leather purse.
The Misses Macfarlane, table centre.
Mrs. Anderson, flower vases.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rose, silver knife rests.
Miss Ladell, photo frames,
Mr. and Mrs. Goldman, embossed plate.
The Misses Stevens, Venetian glass ornament.
Mrs. Frost, embroidered bag.
The Playden Hockey Club, entrée dishes and gold hat pin.
Dr. and Mrs. Montgomery, silver sugar basin.
Dr. and Mrs. Paget, silver serviette rings.
Mr. and Mrs. Bushell, salad bowl.
Dr. and Mrs. Pridham, silver vases.
Mrs. Bishopp, book of photos.

Another dated 9 Oct 1901, from an unnamed source.
The members assembled in the Ewe and Lamb pn the 3rd instant to present to their captain a silver inkstand procured through Mr. A,C, Terry of Tenterden, on which was engraved:- “Presented by the isle of Oxney Cricket Club to their captain, Mr. John Body, jun. on his marriage October 9th 1901.”, together with a list of 35 subscribers, which was headed:- “The undermentioned members of the Isle of Oxney Cricket Club present to their captain, Mr. John Body, jun., on his marriage, October 9th 1901, this inkstand as a small mark of their esteem, trusting that he and his wife may enjoy a long life of happiness and prosperity.”

Part of a report of the same date, again from an undisclosed source, headed:

The president said the last year had been a record one for the Rye Football Club – from a matrimonial point of view (laughter). Four members had been married. First there was Mr. Bert Longley (the ten captain), then their old friend Rhodes (otherwise known as ‘Jokey’), then Mr. John Body (loud cheers), and last Sunday Pellett (otherwise known as ‘Bosco’). The president did not know the reason for these many marriages, but perhaps those he had mentioned, finding they could not win the Cup, decided to go in for a new team altogether (loud laughter). To mark the club’s appreciation of Mr. John Body, he had to ask that gentleman’s acceptance of a silver mounted walking stick (cheers).
Mr. Body (again loudly cheered) said that he would value the gift all his life. It was a lovely present, just what he wanted, and, above all, it represented the kindly feelings of the Club towards him. He had enjoyed himself as much with the Rye Football Club as anywhere. He could not thank them as well as some would, but his thanks were heartfelt (cheers).

The Mayor then distributed the medals awarded to the Club as joint holders of the League Cup, first asking Mr. John Body to accept on behalf of his brother (Mr. T.M. Body) his runner-up medal for the Sussex Junior Cup.

Another report of the Wedding, in an unnamed newspaper.
On the 9th inst., at St Stephen’s Church, South Dulwich, by the Rev. T.J. Churton, assisted by the Rev. F.E. White (vicar), Mr. John Body, son of Mr. J. Body, J.P., of Wittersham, Kent, to Miss Mabel Kenward, daughter of the late Trayton Kenward, of Icklesham, Sussex, and Mrs. Kenward, Montagu House, Upper Norwood, E.E. The bride was given away by her eldest brother, Mr. Robert Kenward, and was attired in a charming dress of ivory satin trimmed with chiffon and lace. Her tulle veil covered a spray of orange blossoms, and she carried a bouquet of white roses and heather – the bridegroom’s gift. There were five bridesmaids, Miss E.M. Holmes (cousin of the bride), Miss Body and Miss M.K. Body (sisters of the bridegroom). Miss P.M. Bartholomew and Miss E.B. Craig, who wore pale blue glacé silk dresses draped with fichus of white spotted gauze, and big white picture hats trimmed with white plumes and blue velvet, each carrying a bouquet of Parma violets and lilies of the valley, given with pearl and turquoise brooches by the bridegroom. The page, Master Jack Stevens (the bride’s nephew), wore a white satin sailor suit and received a gold safety pin from the bride. The duties of best man were performed by Mr. T. Body, and after the reception at Montagu House the newly-married pair left for Paris and Brussels to spend their honeymoon, the bride going away in a light red cloth dress and long coat, and a white and black picture hat. The wedding cake was supplied by Messrs. W. and G. Buszard of Oxford Street.

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