Beckley in East Sussex Village Guide

Property for Sale

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  • Business Wanted

    Dear All, Myself and my partner are new to Rye and on the look out for a new challenge therefore, if anyone has any information regarding any business that may be soon to come on the market could they contact me on this site. We are looking to start a Guest House or B&B if … read more

  • Land Search

    We are a middle aged couple wanting to settle in Rye / surrounding area, and we are looking for a small plot of land to build a residential log cabin or a small run-down property, rural or otherwise to renovate (for our use – we are not developers and we intend to live in it!). … read more

  • Property Enquiry

    Looking for property in and around Rye-Brighton. Perhaps five acres or so? Ex-builder – so, the worse for wear, the better. Location – country is best but not picky – Thanks! … read more

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