Village Market – from 11am
Fete opens at Midday – 5pm Café René Tea Tent, Bar, BBQ, Pimms Tent, Crafts, Raffle, Bottle Tombola, China Smash, Welly Wanging, Coconut Shy, Children’s Games & Activities, Local Stalls & Displays & much more!
Queens Archery & Axe Thowers!
12 noon Ninfield’s Bake-Off
12.30pm “Ricochet” fun band
2pm Canine Partners (Assistant Dogs Demonstration)
2.40pm The Rock Choir
3pm Fun Dog Show (Canine Partners)
4.30pm “Good Company” Grand Raffle £50 Cash, Meal Vouchers, Hampers, Athelas Plant, Wines and lots more!
Evening – 7pm
Live music from Brahma Sistaz
Bar – Food – Boules- Games
Cash Please – Limited Card Readers!
Any profits after costs will be donated to local causes and Canine Partners.