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Ninfield Stoolball Charity Tournament

A fun filled day for all the family, enter a team of 8, 4 ladies and 4 men, £4 per person to take part in this all day event.

Raising money for our club and the Aching Arms charity, supporting parents who have experienced the loss of a baby.

There will be refreshments available and a raffle on the day with some amazing prizes. So pack a picnic and put on your trainers and come and join in the fun.

Ninfield Stoolball Charity Tournament

What’s new?

Rosemary Cottage
Rosemary Cottage

Situated in 1066 country in a rural location. Rosemary Cottage is set on the edge of Hooe Village near Battle … more

Listed in: Bed and Breakfast

What’s on?

Ninfield Village Market
Ninfield Village Market

, 9:30am – 12:00pm
Ninfield Memorial Hall, Ninfield

Message Board


My Great Great Grandmother, was Phoebe Foord, she was born in Ashburnham. She married a John Chapman. She came from … more

Saving Ninfield from the Builders

I back the people of Ninfield for no new houses to being built in this lovely village plus no new … more

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