Peasmarsh in East Sussex Village Guide

Writer’s Group

I recently moved to Peasmarsh and wonder if there are any more writers
locally who might be interested in meeting to form a support group to encourage one another.

I write poetry on line and have been contacted by editors in Italy and America to publish some of my work.It would be nice to meet up with other creative people.

9 responses to “Writer’s Group”

  1.  avatar

    I’m a writer living nearby in Sandhurst.

  2.  avatar

    Hi Linda,

    What a nice surprise,
    I wrote the notice a five years ago and yours is the first reply! What kind of writing do you enjoy? I write poetry, and have created an on line poetry website, also enjoy gardening,/ nature, and am a full time carer. Look forward to hearing from you,
    From Gael

  3.  avatar

    Hi Gael, Did you ever set up that writer’s support group? I live in Rye and have just begun writing poetry and short stories again now that I am not at work. I have just completed an OU fiction course and a starting the free What is Poetry course after half term. Would love to hear from you.

    Kind regards,


  4.  avatar

    Hi Abigail, I have been very busy caring for my highly dependent 93 yr old mother but hope to get back to writing soon, perhaps we could meet one market day for a chat?

  5.  avatar

    Are you still looking for members. I have just had a novel printed and would love to meet like minded authors.


  6.  avatar

    Hi Dave, The group no longer active, lost meeting place and was too busy nursing my mother, however we could start a new group? I write haiku and poetry, my mum in a nursing home now too mch for one to cope with. Where are you? I live in Peasmarsh

  7.  avatar

    PS If you contact Jempsons I think they allow book signing and promotion of new books in store. 🙂

  8.  avatar

    Hi Gael

    I live a few miles from Rye in Kent but distance is no bother. if interested I would love to be in on the conception of a new group

    I fear poetry isn’t my strongest love, I prefer the longer version of novels but that’s not to say I couldn’t learn with the right encouragement.


  9.  avatar

    Thank you Gael I will write to the manager.

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