Udimore in East Sussex Village Guide


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  • Noakes History Book

    Hello Noakes followers. Just an update to let you know I still have many copies of the book “From Udimore They Came” written by Marianne R McGowan. My email address is: ‘ [reveal email] ‘ Kind regards, Howard Noakes … read more

  • Mother Baby Groups

    I am soon to be a mum (6 weeks) and looking in the Udimore / Rye area or any other surrounding areas. I’m from Southampton and will be moving into the area at the end of July. Can anyone pointme in the right direction? [reveal email] … read more

  • History of Udimore

    Am now open to hearing from just about anyone who can add any information regarding the history of the village. This might include any era up to today’s date! Anecdotes also welcome. … read more

  • Udimore Cycle Speedway

    Jo, Did you have any replies on this subject, please? I have a rather dark copy of a photograph and a copy of a programme from the Udimore cycle speedway if you would like them. Is it still possible to see where the track was, please? Best wishes, Robin Richardson … read more

  • Web Site

    I didn’t know this web site existed until I found it by accident when searching for something else. Perhaps it would be worth mentioning it in “Village Voice”? … read more

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