Lydd in Kent Town Guide


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  • A True Hero

    This Man is an unsung HERO, yesterday whilst I was shopping in Folkestone my large red handbag was stolen, I rushed out of shop, trying to give chase but I am almost aged 84, the thief passed a man, who noticing the situation, ran after the thief and held him securely until the Police took … read more

  • Searching for John Bickel

    My name is Andrew Thackray, I was born in Windsor England in 1949, I emigrated to Australia in 1973, I now live in Western Australia (the wild west). I knew the Bickel family in the late 60’s/early 70’s when they lived in Edward Avenue, Camberley Surrey. I believe the John may live in Lydd and … read more

  • Lydd Airport Action Group

    I would like to tell you about the Lydd Airport Action Group (LAAG) and to ask for your support. LAAG represents people who are opposed to the expansion of Lydd Airport. Plans recently unveiled by the airport’s new management, show that they want to expand facilities to cater for 2 million passengers by 2011 and … read more

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The Gallivant
The Gallivant

The Gallivant Restaurant With Rooms is across the road from the dunes and the beautiful sandy beach beyond. Inspired by … more

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A True Hero

This Man is an unsung HERO, yesterday whilst I was shopping in Folkestone my large red handbag was stolen, I … more

Searching for John Bickel

My name is Andrew Thackray, I was born in Windsor England in 1949, I emigrated to Australia in 1973, I … more

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