Paintings and monoprints inspired by the haunting Hastings and Rye coastline. Featuring huts and hounds.
Fairlight in East Sussex Village Guide
Anna Wilson-Patterson
Anna Wilson-Patterson in Fairlight
Anna Wilson-Patterson
Spark Cottage
East Sussex
TN35 4BG
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What's new?
The Hope Anchor
This mid-18th century former inn offers unique rooms, free Wi-Fi, and excellent views of Rye. Built around 1750 for local … more
Listed in: Hotels
What's on?
Dance for Fitness
, 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Pett Village Hall, Pett
Category: Courses / Classes / Workshops
Message Board
The Baron Duglas
Does anybody remember going to see the Baron Duglas at Fairlight Cove in the 1950s?
Coastguard Cottages
I was up by the coastguard cottages on Monday the 14 july where I lived for 10 years. It brought … more