Old Books

Does anyone have a copy of Ninfield in the Ninties by Mr.Ridel the schoolmaster. Would be much appreciated as I am doing my family history in Ninfield, Brenda Simmons.

18 responses to “Old Books”

  1.  avatar

    Brenda, assuming that your maiden name was “Simmons”, I went to school in Ninfield with members of the Simmons family.


  2.  avatar

    Hello Brenda,

    I’ve got a copy. Would you like me to look for something in particular? The book’s not indexed, unfortunately.

    Best wishes

  3.  avatar

    Hi Jim,
    My single name is Simmons. I have a cousin Allan at Lower Street and my sister Sheila was at Ninfield schooltill she was 15 from 1939 to 1954 ans I was there from 1943 to 1949′ We have a Quaif in our family tree which I indulge in who lived in CatsfieldHer name was Mary JaneQuaife. She maried a Clifton from my mums side of family.born in 1841. Any connection to you, Nice to hear from you, Brenda

  4.  avatar

    Hallo Caroline,
    Glad to hear from you. My cousin Allan let me read the book and I was so impressed with it. My dad went to school when he was teacher at Ninfield. I was looking to have a copy of the book, but thanks very much for the offer of looking in it for me. Tried to get one from Amazon, but don’t have it at the moment, but they might get one later on. Bye for now, Brenda

  5.  avatar

    Hi Brenda,
    Strange, I was of the understanding that Pauline was Brenda’s sister, I worked with Ian at EA Smith grocery store, if I recall Sheila was a tall slim girl, quite pretty, she lived on the Lower Street, I believe there was a “bombed out” house close by on the opposite of the road … there was a pond near the house as well.
    I pumped the organ at the Anglican Church for a few months … by the way I started in Standard 6, was moved into Standra 7 and then into X7 … Mr Wooda was the Headmaster and my teacher.
    I palyed on the soccer team against Hailsham as a center forward with a chap (can’t remeber his first name) last name was Pont, his dad a small shop in town.

    Love to get more info on Allan … did he play around with fireworks at one time?

    Best personal regards,


    PS. Can’t send you any photos of those great years but can send them of past years here, if you wish …


  6.  avatar

    Hallo Jim,
    Yes, you were right. Brenda was the oldest in family and Pauline was younger. I think Ian was eldest n family. They lived up the front road, near grannie Mitchells. I was first thinking of the other Haffendens who lived round the back road at the Marlpits. They were Ian, Gill and Roger.

    Sheila and I lived in Lower Street. Yes, she was there when Mr. Woods was headmaster,
    I see Allan when I go back home to Ninfield. He still lives at the gardens at Lowwr Street.

    We had the other half up near Moorhall. Allan did have firework making and his mate died when they blew up the shed in the orchard. Think his name was Bob, but not sure. Do you remember Cynthia Guest. She is still around. I saw one of te Spandleys from back road, last summer. I could goon for ever. I think you mean Vaughan Pont or Mark Pont fromthe butchers Vaughan commited suicide a few years back.

    Would love to see some photos. Doing family history I enjoy all the old photos. Thank you.

    Bye for now, Brenda

  7.  avatar

    Hi Brenda;
    Wow! You have really done a great job on both Allan and Pauline, you have filled in the details and I thank you for the information … we lived at Tanyard and Workhouse, dad worked for Mr. Godden for a while, we knew Marlene & Jennifer Godden. I believe Marlene moved after her dad passed away, I believe Jennifer passed away as well.

    I will send you some info on the Quaifes from Catsfield, if you wish to e-mail me your mailing address I can send you a copy of the Quaife family from 1700’s.

    By the way, I believe the Pont boy was Vaughn, he was a big lad and his father did own the butcher shop. We played soccer together, I believe he was 13 or 14 years old … so sorry to hear about his death.

    My e-mail address is [reveal email]

    Best regards


  8.  avatar

    Hi Jim,
    Thanks for your reply. Lovely to hear from someone from the village. Since Sheila died I find not many people are interested in discussing old times. How long have you lived in Canada? I will e-mail you my address. Bye for now Brenda

  9.  avatar

    Hi Brenda
    What a pleasant surprise to hera from you again so quickly … very sorry to hear that Sheila passed away, used to carry some of her books home for her … she was a great lady.

    I will look forward to getting your address, there is quite a lengthy Quaife Family Tree with all the branch off-shoots, I always enjoy going over it with family …

    We originally arrived in Canada in 1939, we lived at Guestling Green, dad worked for my Uncle George at Half-house farm, when we arrived in Canada he bought a farm near Brockville Ontario, the house burned down the first winter we were there, we were bery lucky to get at 2:30 AM … middle of the so-and-so winter too.
    We moved to the west, Calgary Alberta in 1941, from there we moved to Medicine Hat, dad was in the Canadian Army looking after german prisoners … we moved back to England in 1946, picked up my older brother John, worked around for a year and came back to Canada …

    Boy I could write you a book about our “ups and downs” …

    Thoroughly enjoyed our time in good old Sussex, would love to make trip back just to say hi to some of our old mates!

    Anyway we will stay in touch …

    Have a great weekend …



  10.  avatar

    Hi Jim very interested to read
    about the Quaife family on this
    page as my family come from
    this part of East Sussex.

  11.  avatar

    Hi Anthony,
    My family lived in Hastings, (where I was born), Three Oaks, Guestling Green, Ninfield, I attended school there in 1946/47 … I had a paper route in battle …
    Our lineage goes back to William the Conqueror, 1066…
    I must say that if your family are from E Sussex, we are related…if you wish to send me some details about your family I will trace for you…

    I live in Duncan British Columbia, Vancouver Island…my email address is [reveal email]

    Please advise your location…

    Sincerest personal regards


  12.  avatar

    Hi Jim, Iwent to Ninfield School. Mr Woods headmaster.His daughter was a good friend of mine, Pauline. I live in Merritt BC! Anita Orton (King). Lived Blackthorne Ninfied Rd. My Mum & 2 Aunts went to same school. Cheers Anita

  13.  avatar

    Hello there Jim,

    I hope you’re still contactable on here!

    Vaughan Pont was my Grandfather! It’s amazing to hear you speaking about him as a young man.

    Would love to hear any stories you might have about him?

    Thanks, Sarah

  14.  avatar

    Hi Sarah,

    What a pleasant surprise! Great to hear from you, your grandfather and I played together on the school soccer team. He and I formulated a plan that succeeded in allowing us to beat some of the teams from other schools..
    He was always thinking, a great player and a great friend. We chummed together and often visited his dad’s store….he even helped me get a job at EA Smith’s Grocery store, I helped deliver groceries, sometimes on my bike….worked with Ian Haffenden, he and I filled the “kersoene” cans for people on a Saturday morning….his sister Pauline used to drop by for a visit.

    I believe your grandfather had a “crush” on Brenda Haffenden at one time….he could be a real card at school…everyone liked him, no one went against him, he was bigger than the other boys….
    I’m sorry that I lost track of him when we returned to Canada.
    I assume he has passed away?
    If so I am so sorry, please accept my condolences..

    Thank you for contacting me…

    Best personal regards


  15.  avatar

    Hi Brenda! I am trying to find out about the Thomas, Campbell or Deeprose / Diprose families. Can you perhaps be of help? Or anyone else reading this message. Thank you Pam.

  16.  avatar

    My sincere apologies for the delay in response – I wasn’t notified that you had responded.

    Vaughan married Renate Brast? I don’t know if you would have met her – she moved over from Germany when she was eight years old. They married when they were 18 or so.

    Unfortunately yes he did pass away back in 1998, thank you for your kind words.

    Please do email me sarahmpont@ gmail.com as I would love to hear more of your stories and I’m sure Grandma would love to read them too!

    Best wishes, Sarah

  17.  avatar

    Pam, It seems the Thomas family moved to Ninfield after the 1891 Census. In 1901 Census they were at Lower Street.
    Name; Age; Year born; Occupation; Where Born
    James W Thomas Head 34 about 1867 Labourer Wadhurst Sussex Mary A Thomas Wife 42 about 1859 Female Bexhill Sussex Althea E Thomas Daughter 6 about 1895 Female Ninfield Sussex Herbert W C Thomas Son 4 about 1897 Male Ninfield Sussex Mabel E Thomas Daughter 6 months about 1900 Female Ninfield Sussex
    Jesse and Mary Deeprose and family were at 23 Marlpits in 1891 Census although wife is Hepzibah in 1901! Her sister Elizabeth Beale lived next door at Mill Corner in 1901.
    A brother, Henry and wife Eliza were nearby, on the Hailsham Road (A269). 70 year old Caroline lived in Lower Street with son George and daughter (in law?) Eliza (again). A Harriet E was a servant at Little Park. No Thomas family in 1901. No Campbell in either 1891 or 1901.
    (hard to see formatting in this little letter box, but hope it makes sense).

  18.  avatar

    Thank you Kevin! That has been very helpful.

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