Is any body able to tell me the christian name(s) of Chips Ahsby (Sir James Ashby’s son) please.
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6 responses to “The Ashbys”
Message in a bottle finally reached shore …
Sir James had a son James William Frederick Walter born about 1874, if you haven’t already found that. Living in Bexhill 1911 Census.
Now whether that’s your “Chips” I don’t know!
(Looks like the transcriber couldn’t read the florid “F” of the enumerator and came up with J!)
Thank you so much, I will investigate.
Hi there, I am Sir James’ great grand-daughter and just found this as I was casually researching the family. We have his portrait here and a lot of Ashby family memorabilia, but would love to know more about his life in Ninfield. Thank you.
Hello, our Ninfield Local History Group does have some info, but we could always do with more!
Have you seen this, and do you know of Georgina?
Hi Kevin,
My parents met Georgina and her family a few years ago – it is my father (Thomas) to whom she refers. He is now 90. We know of no Kathleen Lemmon and Daphne makes no mention of how she was involved with the family. My father’s half-brother was also James and born in 1901. He lived at Little Park, I believe.
Yes, Sir James retired to Ninfield.
This is the info I have for him
Ashby, Sir James William Murray RN KCB (1902) CB (1857). Magistrate for Sussex, Battle Division. Born 25 August 1822, son of Captain W R Ashby, RN. Married 1873 Catherine, daughter of the late F F Magenis. Educated RN School, Camberwell. Entered Navy 1839, retired 1878. Served at the taking of Bomarsund, Kertch and Sebastopol, 1854; China 1859-62. Was Secretary tp Sir George Seymore; Sir James Hope; Sir Houston Stewart; Sir Charles Freemantle; Sir Rodney Mundy and Admiral George Elliott. Decoratedfor General Service. Address: Little Park, Ninfield, Battle, Sussex. Club: Junior Conservatives. Died 21 October 1911.
1902 Coronation Honours
Knights Commander of the Order of the Bath (KCB) Military Division
Paymaster-in-Chief James William Murray Ashby, CB (Retired)
Name: Sir James William Murray Ashby R.N. K.C.B.
Sir James (comptroller of the Navy) Address: Little Park, Ninfield.
Notes: Sir JAMES WILLIAM MURRAY ASHBY, R. N. , K. C. B. , Deceased: Pursuant to 22 and 23 Viet. , cap. 35. NOTICE is hereby given, that all persons having any claims or demands’ against the estate of Sir James William Murray Ashby, R. N. , K. C. B. , late of Little Park, Ninfield, in the county of Sussex, deceased (who died on the 21st day of October, 1911, and whose will, with a codicil thereto, was proved by Julie Ellen Ashby, the sole executrix, on the 24th day of November last, in the Principal Probate Registry), are hereby required to send particulars, in writing, of such claims or demands to us, the undersigned, on or before the 15th day of January next, after which date the executrix will proceed to distribute the assets amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims and demands of which she shall then have had notice; and the said executrix will not be liable for the assets of the said Sir J. W. M. Ashby, deceased, or any part thereof, so distributed, to any person or persons of whose claims or demands she shall not then have had notice. —Dated this fifteenth day of December, 1911. LANGHAM, SON and DOUGLAS, 44A, Robertson-street, Hastings, and at 10, New-court, Lincoln’s Inn, London, W. C. , Solicitors to the Executrix.
The Second Anglo-Chinese War (“Opium war”) of 1856 – 1860. The storming of the Taku Forts.
Rear-Admiral Hope, in his dispatch, mentioned with commendation Capts. C. F. A. Shadwell, N. Vansittart, and George Ommanney Willes; Commanders John Edmund Commerell, William Andrew James Heath, and Armine Wodehouse; Lieuts. John Jenkins, Robert James Wynniatt, Arthur John Innes, George Dacres Bevan, William Henry Jones, Charles John Balfour, George Doherty Broad, Herbert Price Knevitt, George Parsons, and John Crawford Wilson; Master William Donaldson Strong; Mates Claude Edward Buckle, George Spotswood Peard, Frederick Edward Gould, and Visct. Kilcoursie; Mids. G. Armytage and Charles Lister Oxley; Paymaster and Secretary James William Murray Ashby; Asst.-Paymaster John St. John Wagstaffe ; Second-Master Oscar Samson; Staff-Surg. Walter Dickson (2) M.D.; Surg. John Little, M.B.; Asst.-Surg. William James Baird, M.D.; Lieut.-Col. Thomas Lemon, R.M., Capts. (R.M.) Richard Parke, W. G. R. Masters, and Ponsonby May Carew Croker; Lieuts. (R.M.) Langham Rokeby, John Frederick Hawkey, Harry Lewis Evans, and John Straghan; Sergt.-Maj. Woon, R.M., Q.M. Sergt. Hailing, R.M.; Major Fisher, R.E., and Lieuts. (R.E.) J. M. Maitland and G. Longley.
As this hotly contested action resulted in a defeat, those who participated in it were never directly rewarded by the issue of medals or clasps, the granting of honours, or promotion; yet it must be admitted that, as, indeed, the exceedingly heavy loss indicates, officers and men behaved in a manner which added distinctly to the glories of the Navy, and which could have been scarcely more creditable had victory rewarded their efforts. The attack failed, firstly, because the narrowness of the channel, and the artificial obstructions crippled the usefulness of the ships, and, secondly, because the assault, a frontal one, was made over most difficult ground against works which were supposed, but wrongly supposed, to have been silenced; and was attempted with insufficient force. It must also be admitted that, as usual, the British were very ignorant of the exact strength and dispositions of the enemy.
Awaiting updates from our History Group if any more local knowledge available – apart from being a church warden at St May’s for many years.
If you could add your family knowledge to ours then I’m sure it would be much appreciated.
You can contact Ninfield Local History Group via their website, if you don’t want to add it here.