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Dance for Fitness

£7 pay as you go

Stay for a stretch (optional) 7.05pm – 7.30pm
£3 pay as you go

Great music, beneficial exercise, superb for toning and strengthening, and best of all – it’s fun!

Different genres of dance including latin, street, jazz, ballet, cabaret and more.

Always a new routine to learn.

The sessions are suitable for all abilities and age, dance experience absolutely not necessary.

Extremely friendly, welcoming dass.

Please call Laura Mitchell to book your place or for further details on 07527 105 352 or just come along.

Dance for Fitness

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Cat Missing from Woodpeckers Cottage

Small black cat missing since 11.30 am Monday 3rd July 2017. (opposite Two Sawyers). If you have seen one floating … more

Pett – 1840 's Lifeboat House

Hi, I’m looking for a local historian who will under-take some research work on my behalf. I have a George … more

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