Looking for a Bungalow

Hello, My husband and I are looking to move to Pett Level or similar nearby in April 2013 after he retires. We live in a Surrey villge at the moment so love village life. Looking for bungalow up to 280k with 2 bedrooms and must have bit garden for my hubby who is a keen amateur gardener. Anyone thinking of selling then we might be interested in your property and we could you some estage agency fees. Many Thanks

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Dance for Fitness
Dance for Fitness

, 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Pett Village Hall, Pett

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Cat Missing from Woodpeckers Cottage

Small black cat missing since 11.30 am Monday 3rd July 2017. (opposite Two Sawyers). If you have seen one floating … more

Pett – 1840 's Lifeboat House

Hi, I’m looking for a local historian who will under-take some research work on my behalf. I have a George … more

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