Staplecross in East Sussex Village Guide


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  • Cattle Trough in Battle

    I’m trying to track down all the cattle / horse troughs that were erected by an association called the Metropolitan Drinking Fountain and Cattle Trough Association. Once such trough was erected in Battle in 1911 near the old market. It has probably been moved during roadworks etc. Does anyone know what became of it? … read more

  • Battle Workhouse

    Is anyone doing research on Battle workhouse around the 1840s or 1850’s? My great grandfather was born there in 1840 and lived there for at least ten years, maybe more. I’m trying to get as much information on conditions, etc, at the time as part of my research. I will be visiting Battle for 2 … read more

  • Virgins Lane

    Has anyone got any information about the history of Virgins Lane or any suggestions as to how I can research it? … read more

  • History of Udimore

    Am now open to hearing from just about anyone who can add any information regarding the history of the village. This might include any era up to today’s date! Anecdotes also welcome. … read more

  • Local Historic Society

    I am new to the area and am very interested in local history. Does anyone know of a local history group I could join. Thank you. … read more


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Mobile Car Wash / Valet

Hi, could anyone recommend a mobile car wash / valet company? I’m looking for regular cleans and am new to … more

Chimney Sweep

Does anyone know the telephone number of Bob, the chimney sweep?

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