
I am hoping there are other people who have the surname of Foster in their Family History and they came from Udimore.

Some of the names who came from Udimre are:-

FOSTER, Benjamin Born 1757
FOSTER, Thomas Born 1781
FOSTER, James Born 1814

If you can assist please email me [reveal email]


Greg Johansen
Brisbane, Australia

4 responses to “Foster”

  1.  avatar

    I have an ancestor Benjamin born1759-1839 (may have been 1757), his son Thomas 1781-182?, his grandson James 1814-?, whose brother William Joseph 1822-1902 was my great-great grandfather, who emigrated to Australia in 1839 aboard the ‘Florish’ and lived initially in Paterson in the Hunter Valley, then in the New england region, Ben Lomond and nearby.

  2.  avatar

    Hi Allan,

    We are in fact related by the way of William Joseph Foster. William is my great great grandfather too.

    Who is oyur great grandfather and grandfather?

    I live in Brisbane – whereabouts are you?

    I would be happy to exchange any information that you would like. Do you have any old photos of the early generations?

    Hope to hear from you soon. If you would like it maybe easier to use my email address of [reveal email]

  3.  avatar

    Hi Allan,

    In reference to your information we are related.
    Please email me ([email protected]) with your email address so I can correspond with you.
    Hope to hear from you soon!



  4.  avatar

    My Ancestor is Bejamin Foster (1757-1839), his son was Benjamin Foster(1793 – 1858), his son George Foster(1822-1909) All arrived on same ship “Florist” arr 1839 with your William Joseph. Both George and William were assigned to Paterson, my George moved to Moscheto Island,in the Hunter River near Newcastle, Benjamin also had land on Moscheto Island.

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