Westfield in East Sussex Village Guide

House for Rent

Hi there,

Already resident Westfield family are urgently looking for a 3+ bedroomed home to rent in the Westfield area. Existing landlord wants his house back! Really keen to stay in this beautiful community. If anyone knows of anything, please let us know.

Best wishes.

Gaye and Barry

[reveal email]
[reveal tel]

One response to “House for Rent”

  1.  avatar

    Further to my earlier message, we’re still looking, and our correct contact number is [reveal tel] .


    Barry & Gaye

Message Board

Metal Detecting

Hi I am looking for any land owner/occupier around the Westfield area for permission to detect on their land. I … more

Ferret found

A young, golden coloured ferret found on Thursday on Stonestile Lane. Please call Paula on [reveal tel]

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