Platnix Farm

I am trying to find old photos of Platnix Farm. Must be pre 1956. From Shaun

9 responses to “Platnix Farm”

  1.  avatar

    Hi Shaun,
    I’ve just discovered this site and your mention of Platnix. I can’t help you as I have only a very recent photo. My gt-gt-grandfather, John Mawle, bought Platnix in 1826 and grew hops there until his death in 1867. He also owned 2 farms in Brede and Toke Farm in Icklesham. After his death, the farms in Brede were sold, my gt-grandfather, John Mawle, lived at Toke Farm and his brother, Henry, lived at Platnix. I’ve been told that they were forced to sell up sometime in the 1870’s after 3 bad harvests in a row.The novelist Sheila Kaye-Smith spent a few summers at Platnix during her childhood in the 1890’s and it left an indelible impression on her. Her description of life on a Sussex farm was informed by her time at Platnix. I’d love to hear from you and learn what your interest in Platnix is.
    Kind regards, Dave Mawle

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    Dear David, Thanks for your interesting response. I cannot remember what I put in my original message, but my interest in Platnix IS from the Sheila Kaye-Smith side of things, as I have written a biography about her. I was trying to trace a certain painting of Platnix, which I had read (not much)about on-line somewhere. I eventually managed to fing two artistic impressions of the place (one colour, for a US edition of I think Selina) for SKS books and bought them both. Also managed to get an odd photo I think from about … oh, I don’t know off-hand. Going off on a tangent, you mentioned Toke Farm, which I have never heard of before. I have very keen interest in Sussex place-names and really want to know why Toke Farm is so called. You can email me direct at: [reveal email]

  3.  avatar

    Hello, my Grandmother spent time living at Plating with her parents and two sisters in the 1930’s & ’40’s. I have only one photo.

  4.  avatar

    Hi Patrick, Was the name of the farm where your Gran lived Platnix or Plating? If it was Platnix, I’d love to see the photo. You can email me on [reveal email] . Many thanks and kind regards, Dave Mawle

  5.  avatar

    Yes Platnix, my computer just hates me!
    I’ve emailed the photo.

  6.  avatar

    I appreciate this is an old discussion but I have only just seen it. I moved to Platnix in 2010 and would love to see any photos available. I have searched the web a few times and can find very little history. Regards

  7.  avatar

    Hello, Trying to locate the current owners of Platnix Farm – maybe Sarah as above? And also the owner from the 1990s, Benedetta Howard. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

  8.  avatar

    I visited Platnix in May, 2019 and have comments for Paul, Sarah and Joni, but would prefer to make them in an email. Please reply at [reveal email] .
    Dave Mawle

  9.  avatar

    Hi Paul,
    In 2019 I met a couple in the Red Lion in Brede, Sussex. The lady lived at Platnix when she was girl. Maybe your Gran. Anyway, I know their names, so you can confirm.

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