Does anyone remember Arthur Munday my Grandfather. Lived in Nightingale Cottages New Cut. Served in the 8th Batt Royal Sussex Reg WW1. Later had a poultry farm. Married to Govina Weldon and had four daughters. Later married Elizabeth Cruttenden widow of Sam.Moved away in 1960 lived to the age of 85 returned to Westfield to be buried in the churchyard.
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11 responses to “Munday Family”
My grandfather was Arthur Munday but does not sound the same one!He had 8 children one of which is my mother … he is buried in the churchyard with my grandmother Toni Munday!
Hi Nicola,
No we dont have the same Arthur Munday I’m afraid.
My Grandfather had 4 Daughters 2 of which are still alive.Also had a son Septemus who died only three days old. My Arthur is also buried in the churchyard next to his wife Govina. Also next to his parents Albert & Mary Munday.
Hello Veronica,
I came across your message when looking for information about Westfield.
I have distant memories of your grandfather Arthur Munday.
I was born in Westfield during WW2 at 7 Park View Terrace (now demolished and replaced with modern housing).
When my father was demobbed from the army at the end of WW2 we went to live at 1 Nightingale Cottages – next door to your grandfather Arthur and his wife Elizabeth.
We remained there for about 4 years, but moved on to Battle after my father joined East Sussex Police.
Although a long time ago, I still have vivid memories of our cottage – very primitive by today’s standards (no running water and a ‘bucket lavatory’ outside).
I can still picture your grandfather – boots with leather spats up to his knees, a wooden yoke across his shoulders with buckets of chicken feed suspended from it.
Our cottage was the end of terrace, and there was an open space between it, the toilets and your grandfather’s shed. It was here that I remember him showing my father how to wring our chickens’ necks when needed for the table (my father was a Londoner and new to the ways of the countryside).
I’m sorry that I do not have more information, but do remember him. I’m happy to send you more of my ramblings about life in Westfield and Nightingale Cottages if you wish.
Ron Vears
Hello Ron, I would find your memories very interesting, my Grandfather the other Arthur Munday and family used to live in Park View, do you remember them all? They moved to Moorsite later on think it was 11 Im not sure?
Thankyou Nicola
Hello Nicola,
I’m not sure what your interests are in Westfield, or if you are well acquainted with the village, so excuse what follows if it is off the mark.
I don’t recall another Arthur Munday, but will see if my mother has any recollection of him living at Park View.
Here are some of my memories:
My maternal grandparents settled in Westfield around 1900.
Grandfather was Thomas Waters, originally from Ashburnham who married Rose Potter from Icklesham. They lived at the Moor before eventually moving to 7 Park View Terrace.
My mother, Gladys Waters was born in 1920 and is the youngest of their children (still going at 91).
Their first born, Frederick Waters, was killed during WW1, aged 19, and you will find his name recorded on the memorial at Westfield Church.
Thomas Waters was a wheelwright, but in latter years worked as carpenter on the Coghurst Estate (the stately house demolished many years ago).
My mother was in service (cook) at the start of WW2. My father, William Vears, from the Isle of Dogs (London) joined the army at the outbreak of WW2 and was eventually stationed in Westfield as part of a searchlight unit near the junction of Mill Lane/Westbrook Lane/Cottage Lane.
They married and I was born in September 1941 at 7 Park View Terrace and christened in October at St John the Baptist Church in Westfield.
It was a very different village then – virtually no traffic, apart from the occasional delivery van, the Maidstone & District No. 30 or Dengate busses).
Everybody knew one another (or were related), so I had complete freedom to wander where I pleased as a young child – my mother only had to ask if anyone had seen me – my usual haunt being Tubb’s Garage (now Westfield Garage) where they were happy to let me ‘service’ my pedal car beside their mechanics.
In fact I was probably in more danger from marauding German aircraft than anything else.
Park View Terrace consisted of two rows of council houses with No. 7 at the end between the two rows (where Park View Road is now). There were no houses opposite – this land was farmed.
The house itself consisted of a ‘front room’ (reserved for special occasions), a small living room with a door to a very small bathroom.
Upstairs were two bedrooms, but grandfather had divided one of them. The toilet was outside, attached to a washroom where on Mondays my grandmother would light a fire under the copper to get ready to do her washing.
Many necessities were brought to the door. Gregory (from Sedlescome) delivered bread, Watsons delivered milk which was ladled into a jug at the doorstep, and on Saturdays, Paynes mobile shop brought non-food items such as soap, parrafin, Reckitts Blue or Zebra grate polish.
For groceries there was Eldridges shop at the end of New Cut, run by Mr Saunders (now a private house), or Henson’s in the village (now ‘The Village Store’) and Archers butcher. Henson’s store was set back further from the road than it is nowadays, and to the right was some sort of tea room.
The Post Office (next to Tubbs garage) was where we could also buy sweets (ration book permitting) or ice cream, and a room at the back also served as a surgery for the visiting doctor.
After WW2, when my father returned home, we moved to Nightingale Cottages at the end of New Cut (my grandparents remained at Park view Terrace) Soon afterwards I started my educatiion at the village school.
I hope that you find some of these memories of interest.
Hello Ron,
Thank you for these memories of Westfield, so interesting, my interest is that my family on my mother’s side is one of the oldest families in Westfield. My grandparents had 8 children 4 girls and 4 boys, all of which are still living. I lived in St Leonards and visited Westfield a lot as a child and I remember hardly any traffic at all in the 50’s, most people walked around the village and I loved staying with my Aunt, having the freedom of the village to play in. One of my uncles is Ken Munday who worked in Archers the butchers for years, as well as his wife who used to work on the till there. They all went to Westfield school. I moved there in 1996 till 1999, and then moved back in 2001 until 2004, and my youngest son was brought up there and also went to Westfield school. We lived in Geary Place overlooking the school. I know where the shop on the corner used to be, (Eldridges) and used to use the Post Office which has now sadly gone! I still have two uncles living there and an aunt, also two cousins and their families. My parents were married at Westfield church, as were a lot of the family, and then my daughter was married there in 1999.There are a lot of my family in the graveyard, my grandparents are in the corner near to the road, I used to sit at the bus stop quite often with my grandfather opposite the church, who spoke of his wish to be buried at that spot in the corner!I have lovely memories of fruit picking in the summer as a child, early in the morning at my aunts and onto the jeep which took us and our sandwiches etc for lunch, down all the narrow lanes while we looked out of the back. Long days in the sunshine playing and exploring, out in the fresh air every day. I also liked the hop picking, helping out with the hops and my father made me a swing in between the poles, I have a few photos of that time and also of hop picking years before I was born of my mother and her sisters!My aunt’s husband( my uncle)and my grandfather used to drive the buses, I remember Dengates and then Maidstone and District, my father was in the Hastings Police!My family used to own and live at the original Whitegates, now the restaurant and one of my aunts was born in the top room at the front!My grandmother in those early years used to work in the laundry there, Church Farm belonged to a great uncle of mine and he lost it I think due to gambling, not 100% sure, but I know it was lost!
Any more info you have I would be interested to hear,
Thank you,
Hi Ron I was very interested with your memories about my Grandfather Arthur Munday. I to can remember visiting his little cottage as a child. My Mother was his third daughter so after his second wife Elizabeth died in 1960 he came to live with us in Cambridgeshire. Where he remained till 1974 and died at the age of 85 at home.He was a very happy old chap even though he was stone deaf after WW1. He was bought home to Westfield to be buried next to his first wife and Mother & Father. Two of his daughters still remain alive. Dorothy the Eldest & Audrey the youngest. Regards Veronica
I was really interested to read this as I was trying to learn more about where my grandfather Archibald Waters lived as I knew his address was 7 Park View Terrace and came across this thread. I would be very interested in contacting Ron Vears as we must be related and would like to know more about this side of the family.
I know this is a long time ago but I found it by accident. I do remember Mr Munday. I lived at 4 Nightingale cottages and he was a lovely gentle man who was brilliant at killing rabbits humanely.
Hi Joan,
Yes my Grandfather Arthur Munday lived at no 2 Nightingale cottages. His parents from years ago lived at no 3. He was always a very Happy old chap when he came to live with us in 1960 till his death in 1972. His 4 daughters have all now gone the eldest made 100 years.
Hello Sonia,
I’m sorry in such a long delay in replying to your message, but I’ve not looked at the Westfield site for some time. I’m Ron Vears and your grandfather was my uncle – he was my mother’s brother. I was born at 7 Park View terrace. Is Rose your mother? I have fond memories of your grandfather and would be happy to give you any information about his side of the family.