Hi, we are looking for some land to rent for our 12×30 caravan we would want to use it mostly all year round but that is negotiable, also would need to have water, electric connected. We have been on a site for 12 years but now wish to move and be more settled in Winchelsea Beach.
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The Coach House
The Coach House is the newest addition to Cadborough holiday cottages. It is recently converted and offers luxury accommodation for … more
Listed in: Self Catering
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Rye Bay Scallop Week
to Sun, 2nd Mar
Next event

Winchelsea Garden Society Winter Lecture
, 2:30pm – 4:30pm
Winchelsea New Hall, Winchelsea
Message Board
Lack of EV Charge Point
Hello – I drive an all-electric car and want to visit Winchelsea. But you don’t have any public charging points! … more
Tools with a Mission
Hi everyone, During this time of lockdown most people are spending time sorting out the garage, shed or cupboards. Whilst … more