Cornelius Family

I am looking for Avis Cornelius whose single name was Devonshire. As far as I am aware Avis married a Trevor Cornelius and lived in Appledore. Avis & I were mates when we were teenagers and both lived in Abbey Wood London SE2 at the time. Lots of water has passed under the bridge since that time and I hope life has been kind to her over the years. Any info would be appreciated.
Regards -Vera Bailey nee Webb

6 responses to “Cornelius Family”

  1.  avatar

    Hello Vera,
    My name is Beverley Gray and I live in Appledore with my husband Duncan. We live just down the road from where Avis and Trevor lived, unfortunately, and you might alrady know as you posted this message a week or so ago, both Trevor and Avis passes away several years ago, within a short time of each other.
    Their daughter Helen lives in the village at no. 7 The Street if that is any help to you.
    I am sorry to be the bearer of sad news. My husband worked for Trevor for quite a few years and they were well known and well liked in the village.
    Kind regards
    Beverley Gray

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    Hello Beverley
    How sad but thanks for letting me know. It must have been a very traumatic time for their daughters (as far as I am aware there were 2 – Helen & Jill). I had not seen Avis since the Helen was a toddler & Jill a baby, but thought now I live just outside Maidstone it would have been nice to be in contact, but sadly it was not to be. We were very close mates in our teens but time & marriages parted us, me to Dartford & Avis to Appledore. I have carried very fond memories of Avis over the years, she was such a kind & caring person. Are they buried in your parish churchyard? Thought if they were I could visit one day & pay my respects. I don’t think Helen would know me, as she was a toddler & her sister a baby when we last meet at their home in Appledore.
    Thanks again for letting me know even if the news is heartbreaking.
    Kind regards – Vera

  3.  avatar

    Hi there Vera,

    It was very sad for Jill and Helen when Avis and Trevor went and they a very big part of village life so missed by many people.
    They are both in Appledore Churchyard and well looked after.
    Helen lives just down the road towards the canal and Jill lives in Woodchurch with her hubby and two children.I don’t see Jill as our paths never cross but see Helen now and again, she is just like her dad, Jill is the image of her mum. both very nice people.
    If you would like me to tell Helen to look on this site that won’t be a problem, perhaps she will want to contact you and find out more of her mums teen years!!
    Just let me know.
    Kind regards
    Beverley Gray.

  4.  avatar

    Hi Beverley,

    Its so very kind of you to do all this in Avis’ memory, I am so grateful.
    By all means tell Helen when you see her about me and this site. I would be very pleased to hear from her, as while I can fill in Avis’ younger days, she could tell me how life was for her Mum in Appledore.

    If Jill is like her Mum then she must be like her Grandmother, as Avis was the image of her mother.

    When the sun finally shines and the weather is a lot warmer than it is now, I will let you know when I intend to come down to Appledore. Difficulty is putting contact details on this site, but I am the Hon.Sec. of North West Kent Family History Society, and if you or Helen wish to find me, then go to this site and contact details will be able to find me.

    Thanks again for all you have done.
    Kind regards

  5.  avatar

    Hello Vera,
    This is Helen (was Cornelius), I think you have been trying to get hold of me.
    A friend of mine noticed the name cornelius on the web site so thought I had better have a look.

    It may be easier to talk through face book if you have an account, if you just put in Helen Downing-waite it should come up.

    Will keep an eye on this site though just in case.

    Regards Helen

  6.  avatar

    Good day Helen,
    This is Sharron and Merzak from 100 bexleigh avenue.Hope you are doing well.We would be gratefull
    if you could get in touch as we have some urgent question regarding the property.You can contact us through e-mail
    [reveal email]
    Kind regards,
    Sharron and Merzak.

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