Ebony in Kent Village Guide

My Mums Family the Paine’s from around Kent

I’ve been researching into my Granpatents & great gran parents family history & need to get more dates & names to pictures I’ve got….I wonder if there is anyone from this family still left or who knows the family history on my mums , mums side of the family..Romney marsh & faversham too are areas of where they possibly lived ….I hope someone might know & help mevplease..thank you Margaret

2 responses to “My Mums Family the Paine’s from around Kent”

  1.  avatar

    Hello Margaret Swanwick. Perhaps I can help if you give me the Paine names. Looking forward to receiving your reply. Kind regards Derek J. Paine

  2.  avatar

    Any news from Margaret Swanwick? Regards Derek J.Paine.

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My Mums Family the Paine's from around Kent

I’ve been researching into my Granpatents & great gran parents family history & need to get more dates & names … more

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