Greatstone-on-Sea in Kent Village Guide


Glamping in Greatstone-on-Sea

Below are listings for glamping in Greatstone-on-Sea and the surrounding area ...

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The Salty Shepherd

Camber 6.5 miles from Greatstone-on-Sea
£100.00 - £110.00 (per night)
01797 227 464
07921 773 945
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Combining the peace and quiet of a rural farm setting in the beautiful East Sussex countryside with Camber Sands, one of the most fabulous beaches on the South Coast, our shepherds hut offers you a genuinely unique luxury glamping experience. Every feature in our hut has been considered to ensure that our guests have the … more

The Salty Shepherd

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The Salty Shepherd
The Salty Shepherd

Combining the peace and quiet of a rural farm setting in the beautiful East Sussex countryside with Camber Sands, one … more

Listed in: Glamping

Message Board

Chris Caddie

Hello everyone, I was in conversation with a friend some time back and a mutual friend’s name came up, l … more

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