St Michaels in Kent Village Guide

Peter Morgan

Peter was living in st Michaels about 10 years ago, with girl namend Theresa, they had 3 childeren. LEE, REBECCA and DALE, age, now 18, 15 and 12 years old. Peter was a lorrydriver worked for dutch firm named v.d. SANDE, he had a blue mercedes unit.

Im sure Theresa is still living in st Micheals with the childeren ( ashford road )
Did find the childeren on some kind off friend page on tehe internet ( bebo ) send them mail but they don’t respond, mayby they can’t, too young?
I know he moved about 6 years ago too Tonbridge or Tunbridge.
Does anybody have some info about Peter?

I’m ludo living in Holland, so can’t find hIm in other way.


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Appledore St Michaels

1947 as a small boy I lived in this house. Behind us was farm. Across the road was the railway … more

Vivien Lynn

I’m trying to contact Vivien Lynn who lived in St Michaels when last contacted. She was my mother Joan’s bridesmaid … more

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