I have now found out most things about Wittersham Court. Still vague about the boundries of the Farm. Last “Body” encumberant was Colonel John Body. He is buried in St.John the Baptist Church where he has a double Stained Glass window dedicated to him and a memorial planter from his troops (The Buffs East Kent Regiment). In Pett Level he has the Lakes named after him and a stone directional Memorial. He opened the Tenterden Memorial in the 1920’s.J P for Kent 1922. Mentioned four times in despatches 1914-18 war D.S.O and bar and O B E. Entered Baghdad at 09.00 hrs on the 11th March 1917. This was the 30th time Baghdad had been occupied by an invading army. Captain G K Harrison hoisted the Union Jack on the Citadel. The flag was later brought back to England and now hangs in Canterbury Cathedral. Was deputy -Lieut. of the County of Kent 1945 and died suddenly in Wittersham Court in 1945.
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8 responses to “Wittersham Court and Col. John Body”
Dear Ivor
Jack Body’s wife Mabel was sister of my grandfather Edward Kenward and I spent happy days there.I am 78 and live in Canada.Do reply Jim K.
Hi Jim. I am very disaapointed as I thought we might be cousins of some sort. I have been onto mundia.com which is ancestry.com but you do not have to pay to look at trees or contact the tree makers. Just have to register no fees at all. My auntie Mabel Body (unmarried) was born in Winnipeg because my grandfather married my grandmother in Manhattan New York and had a Flax crushing factory in Manitoba before returning to England. I cannot see any trees with Edward Kenward or his sister Mabel or Jack Body. I would have had lots of history to tell you but it seems we may not be related. Have you anymore information. Where does Wittersham come in. I have a feeling that I had two female cousins who lived in a cottage between Wittersham Court and the path which used to lead to the farm. I have a record somewhere. As I said they do not appear on any trees. Please come back
[reveal email]
Jim. I meant to come back to you some time ago. You put me off when you said JACK for as far as I know we never had a Jack Body. Mabel Kenward was the Wife of Colonel John Body who was my grandfathers Nephew, my dad’s cousin so assume my 2nd cousin. They lived at Wittersham College House now known as Wittersham Court. When Mabel died she left the house to Lieutenant Colonel Edward Hedley Body, as the two middle sons John and Stephen were in the RAF and both killed in 1940. Colonel Hedley Body sold it in 1960. I have some photos and articles on both the Body’s and Wittersham Court and have been in touch with the present owners. To check the trees on Kenward’s and Body’s go to mundia.com unless you have a paid up ancestry account. As you know mundia is free to look up trees and to contact tree members. You have to register but there is no snags or charges. Put in Mabel Kenward and you should see she is on a tree with someone who has 995 family members that is mike-stammers. There is some sort of miniture of them both, which is very nice. You can also put in Colonel John Body in the search engine and you should see articles about him also Lieutenant Colonel Edward Body Military Cross, Mabel’s brother in law. I have so much more [reveal email]
Happy Christmas and a great 2012.
Hi Jim I know I confused you with Jack, but can you come back as I have a Mesopoltania Photo of then Captain John (Jack) Body and Mabel and all the workers of Wittersham (College) farm1915 and 2 great cricket matches played on the farms cricket ground.
My Grandfather was Edward Hedley Body. I’m the son of his youngest daughter who didn’t marry- allowing me to carry the name forward. If I bring a son into the world then I guess I’ll name him Jack (Christened John) Have a happy new year, and thankyou for the information. John James Body.
Hi John. Nice to hear from my 3rd cousin 2x. Our common ancester was John Body and Sarah Pinyon my great by 2 and your great x 4 grandparents. Edward Hedley was the last person to have Wittersham college farmhouse and then of course renamed Wittersham Court. He was left it as your grand uncles John and Stephen were killed in 1940’s Edwards older brothers. I do not know if you have looked at the profiles on ancestry or mundia.com if you have not a paid subscription with ancestry. Have you looked at the cricket match played on the farms cricket ground in 1936. Look on mine ivor.body. mike-stammers( your cousin Jill’s partner) has one, more Body’s but not so many photos. Your great grand uncle colonel Body presided. great to hear from you [reveal email]
Happy new year to you and my other cousins you are in touch with Ivor (James Burgess Body)
Ta! My auntie Jill and her partner Mike certainly have done alot of research into our family, and I gather have compiled a tree of some sort. I spent christmas with her and other family, but I don’t see her much on the whole. I’ll be in touch wiht her and Mike to persue this, as I am now interested! Best wishes to family far and near, happy new year! John.
John I see you carry on the good Body name “John”. I used to be in touch with Jill and Mike once, but I can only assume I upset Mike in some way. I sent him a photo of then Captain John Body his wife Mabel Kenward and all of the Wittersham College Farm employees in Mesopatania in 1915, but he never put it on their profile. Have a look at all the Body profiles on ancestry. You can look on Mundia.com for nothing, but have to register with ancestry, no fee involved. Have a look at the two Century cricket matches Just go to rootschat.com Click FORUM-ENGLAND-KENT and scroll down to Wittersham cricket match of the Century on Colonel Body’s cricket ground. Happy New Year to you and your family Ivor