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Family History

I wonder if anyone has any information however small it may be on the policemen of Beckley and the Four Oaks area. My G G Grandfather was the local bobby from 1891 to 1894 and I assume lived in the local police house. His name was WILLIAM WADDINGTON and he lived there with his wife MARY LOUISA and children. Perhaps there may also be school records for the children. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.

John Reginald Tyhurst, Eastbourne


3 responses to “Family History”

  1.  avatar
    Barry Jones

    Hi John,
    The only reference to Sgt William Waddington is in local directories (1891-1894); he had 5 five children.
    Tina will have reference to the children in the school records.
    ‘The Peelers’ police station still stands.

  2.  avatar
    John Tyhurst

    Hi Barry. I was unaware that William was a sergeant, all other records state he was a constable. He had a total of 14 children two which were born in Beckley Beatrice Elizabeth 1886 and Frederick in 1891. In between he had Frank Kenneth 1887, Albert Edward 1888, Malcolm John 1888, Lilian Mary 1889 all born in Crowborough. Any school record if any would be appreciated. Kind regards and thanks. john Tyhurst

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    Barry Jones

    Hi John,

    My mistake – William had 5 Constables under him plus his (then) 10 children. Most residents at ‘The Peelers’ were Sergeants. The constables would have locally and can be found, occasionally, in the census records. The Peelers was first commissioned in 1859 and first occupied by Sgt Hope Johnson. Their tours of duty appear to be around 3-5 years.

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