Hi, I’m desperately trying to find the mother of my ancester Charles Welfare, born Brede in 1831. I have his marriage certificate for 1852, and there is no father listed! I’ve been looking through and have found a link to an unmarried lady called Mary Hider Welfare, but i really need to try and prove this theory!
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13 responses to “Welfare Family”
Hello Kelly,
There is a baptism for a Charles Hider at Rye parish church on 30 January 1831, illegitimate son of Mary Hider. He appears at the 1841 census at Rope Walk, Rye as Charles Hyder age 9, living with his mother Mary, who married Henry Reynolds in 1838 (Tenterden district, December quarter). Henry is called John in the census entry, but correctly as Henry at 1851. There are also siblings William Hyder age 11 and Henry Reynolds, 9 months in the household.
There is a baptism at Brede on 5 July 1801 for a Mary Hyder Welfare, baseborn daughter of Sarah Welfare.
Besides Charles, Mary also had other illegitimate children baptised at Brede – James Moon Welfare on 30 January 1820, son of Mary Hyder Welfare; Samuel Welfare on 27 October 1822, son of Mary Hyder Welfare. Then a William Hyder was baptised on 29 January 1833 at Rye, son of Mary Hyder.
There is evidence in the maintenance records and warrants to arrest putative fathers held at the East Sussex Records Office at Lewes showing paternity for Mary’s children.
George Moon of Westfield was named as the father of a son born at the poor house to Mary Hyder on 4 January 1820; Charles Fletcher of Brede, a cooper, was named in a maintenance order dated 13 March 1821 for a boy born to Mary Hyder; Samuel Baker of Brede was named in a maintenance order dated 12 November 1822 as the father of a boy born to Mary Hider ; James Reynolds, a mariner of Rye, was named as putative father of a boy born on 24 March 1830 to Mary Hyder.
I hope this is helpful.
Happy to help further.
Best wishes,
Thank you very much, you have confirmed a lot of what I had suspected! Thank you again. What a girl Mary was!
Hello. Sorry for this unsolicited mail, but I saw your message on the Brede site re the Welfare family.
I am researching my own family history. My mother was a Welfare and I have traced her ancestors back to James Welfare who was born in Brede in the early 1820s. I suspect he is the James Moon son of Mary referred to. Do you have any other information on the Brede Welfares?
Hi, I have some more info on Mary, my direct email is [reveal email]
give me a mail and I will gladly share all I have with you!
Hello again, Thanks for the information but can you look for the sons name born in 1821? To Charles Fletcher? Did this child die perhaps? My direct email is [reveal email]
Hi I am tracing the Welfare family too. My grt-grt granmother is Charles Welfare daughter Eliza Welfare. I have been trying to find Charles mother for quiet a few years.This is fantastic.
Hi Mrs Shortall, If you want to email me then thats great, we seem to be from the same branch!
Hi. I’m also (but more distantly) related, so please feel free to email me too at [reveal email] .
I am related to James Moon Welfare and have quite a bit of information on the Welfares. I would like to see if we can share any records etc.
Kind Regards
Hello Dimity. I would love to find out more about your research. Please email me at [reveal email] so we can exchange records!
Hi I am related Charles Welfare born 1831 Brede.Sussex. Son of Mary Welfare. I would like to share info too.
Hello and thanks for your message. Would you like to email me at [reveal email] or exchange info on this message board?
Hi, I have recently changed my email address and didnt get your replies! My new email is [reveal email] I will reply to you William directly!