Below are listings for delicatessens in Camber and the surrounding area ...
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Rye 3 miles from Camber
01797 227 271
07590 991 965
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A destination for all lovers of food! Freshly made salads, cakes, bakes and takeaway homemade meals! Cheese and wine, food gifts and produce to delight you. Meats, treats, chocolates, freshly ground coffee beans, local produce and so much more! All dietaries catered for.
Winchelsea Beach 3.3 miles from Camber
01797 226 767
Fully refurbished, top quality Bar / Restaurant / Cafe, with in-house Butchers and Deli run by Jamie Wickens. Open Every day, with huge stunning coastal gardens, just 5 mins from the beach.
Electric fat bike hire and pedal cycles. Over 20 miles of off road cycle path nearby. Based in Camber Sands. … more
Listed in: Cycling
to Sun, 2nd Mar
, 6:00pm - 7:30pm
The Gallivant, Camber
Hi there. This is just a query really to try and find out what happened to Maggie and John that … more
Hello, I saw a post on here from September 2023 from someone looking to hire a rowing boat for a … more