Can anyone tell me what time SELLERS are allowed in at the next Boot Fair on Sun. 2nd October.
Jan Mason
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Rye Deli
A destination for all lovers of food! Freshly made salads, cakes, bakes and takeaway homemade meals! Cheese and wine, food … more
Listed in: Delicatessens
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Missing Cat
Geronimo is a 9 month old neutered male cat who has gone missing from the Goldhurst Green area of Icklesham. … more
Elm Tree Farm Information
Interested in your boot fair. Are there toilet facilities available?
2 responses to “Boot Sale”
is there a boot sale running on sunday 30th October? If so, where abouts is it being held?
Is their a boot sale on tomorrow Sunday 5th october 2014? And if there is, what time can sellers get there and how much? Thanks also which site is it being held at?