Netherfield in East Sussex Village Guide

Long Lost Friends & Family

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  • Looking for a Friend

    Hi, Long shot is Brady and Adele Rogers still living in Battle? Can you be so kind to pass on my e-mail if you know where they are. [reveal email] Thanks for your time. … read more

  • Anthony Bastion

    My name is Judy Lilley and I used to work as PA to Anthony Bastion in London between 1976 – 1981. I am interested in finding out how the family are and if they still live in Etchingham. I know it is a small village and thought it worth posting on this sight in case … read more

  • Glenda & Roger Foster

    I have lost contacted with my friends the Fosters. They lived at 129 Barnhorn Rd. Please, can you help me find them? Thanks, Marion Diaz … read more

  • Maureen Jarvis

    I believe Maureen Jarvis lived in Little Common in the 60s. I am an old friend and have been looking for her for some time now. If anybody can help, please email me at [email protected] Hope to hear from somebody soon, Alan Bradley … read more

  • Searching for Lucy Sanctuary

    Hi, I am trying to find Lucy Sanctuary who is my friend from 90’s. As far as I know, she is still living in Battle. She is Language Therapist and just published 2 books named “Playing with K” and “Playing with P”. She has two children. Any info would be great. Thanks, Ayse Narin … read more

  • Malcolm Muggeridge

    Can anyone tell me where Malcolm Muggeridge, ‘the Sage of Robertsbridge’, lived in Robertsbridge? … read more

  • Sarah Richards

    I am trying to find Sarah and Julian Richards who used to live in Sedlescombe. Sarah was my friend and we went to Primary school together. If any one knows where i can contact her just to say hello that would be great. My nick name was Willie Pyke … read more

  • Janet Walker

    Trying to locate address and / or phone number would be greatly appreciated. … read more

  • Old Friend

    Back in 1960 (approx) a girl called Lydia Wenhryniuk was a resident at the Village. She was a regular visitor to my wife at Hitchin in Hertfordshire during school holidays and later stayed with us after our marriage in 1964. She was a bridesmaid at our wedding. She married a US serviceman Peter Richards in … read more

  • Solomon Family 1961

    I am trying to trace John (Ginge) Solomon who lived in Sedlescombe when in 1961 he left aged 15/16 to join the Army Apprentice School in Arborfiels, Berks. He Married in 1964, on the South Coast. I have no details on his family. Reason for search, I too was at Arborield and his Wedding, trying … read more

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