Gadd Family History

I wonder whether anyone reading this might have any information on the ancestry of John Gadd who was born in Northiam in about 1810 and who married Sarah Rootes in 1832. John and Sarah were my x4 great grandparents. I have some details about Sarah’s ancestry but nothing at all about John. Any information would be gratefully received.

Mark, Portland, Dorset.

10 responses to “Gadd Family History”

  1.  avatar

    Hello Mark,

    There was a couple John Gadd and Sarah Curd who married at Northiam on 21 October 1805. They had children baptised at Northiam – William 1806, Thomas 1808, William 1810, Stephen 1812, Sarah 1814 and Mary 1816 (died 1816).

    There is no burial for a William Gadd between 1806 and 1810 at Northiam so I wonder if the William baptised in 1810 was actually your John, and that the baptism register was completed incorrectly.

    Best wishes,


  2.  avatar

    Hi Caroline,

    Thanks very much for your kind feedback, I am very grateful. Your hypothesis looks good to me, particularly as I have not been able to find anything at all relating to “my” John’s baptism. I have definitely encountered similar errors elsewhere in my research. I guess the next place for me to look would be in the marriage and banns records to see whether any mention of John’s parentage occurs there. John Gadd married Sarah Rootes on 20 March 1832 in Northiam. Are you able to tell me whether the Northiam PRs are available as transcriptions please?

    Many thanks again and best wishes,


  3.  avatar

    Hello Mark

    Yes the Northiam parish registers have been transcribed but I don’t think you will get anything from them to help with the names of John Gadd’s parents. I think that the transcript of Northiam marriages just has names of bride and groom and the date of the marriage, and not witnesses and whether or not the parties signed or made their mark.
    As the marriage is pre-1837 the register won’t include parents’ names anyway, although occasionally if one or both of the couple are under 21 you might get the name of a parent consenting to the marriage.
    The names of the witnesses could be helpful and if you can trace the marriages for John’s siblings that could help too e.g John may have witnessed a marriage.
    The Northiam registers have been microfilmed and so I would suggest that you get a photocopy of the marriage entry from the East Sussex Records Office which has this week opened in new premises called The Keep at Falmer, near Brighton. You can order copies by post if you don’t live in the area.

    Do you have the baptism dates for John’s siblings? If not I can help with that.

    Best wishes,


  4.  avatar

    Hi Mark,

    Thought I would just tell you, John Gadd & Sarah Rootes are my husbands 3rd great Grandparents, and 5th cousins to myself removed.



  5.  avatar

    Hello Pat,

    Thanks for your message, we must be distant cousins! I don’t suppose that you have any information on John and Sarah’s ancestry do you please? I would love to be able to expand this branch of my family tree a little.

    Best wishes,

    Portland, Dorset

  6.  avatar

    Hi Mark,

    Only have what I have found on ancestry, live not far from this area in Staplecross, what can I help you with?


  7.  avatar

    Hello Pat,

    Thanks for your kind reply. What I would like to be able to confirm is the parents (and any additional ancestors) of John Gadd (born Northiam circa 1810) I would also be very interested in any details of the ancestry of Sarah Rootes if you have any to compare with what I have already discovered. Any assistance would be very gratefully received.

    All best wishes,


  8.  avatar

    Hi Mark,

    We have come across some WW1 medals belonging to WP Gadd. Please contact:

    Mervyn Hayes
    Northiam Conservation Society
    [reveal email]

  9.  avatar

    Hi Mark,

    My Father’s mother was Edith Gadd and her father was John Gadd. Would be good to hear from you to discuss the family history.



  10.  avatar

    Hi Mark,

    My grandmother was Edith Gadd, daughter of John Gadd and Lois Budd. Let me know if you need to know more.


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