I would like to move home and job in the next 4 years, so I need any info on rented homes an jobs in the pevensy area, I am a trained registered mental nurse an live currently in macclesfield cheshire, my children are all grown up an I am looking to move to pevensey as my best friend has lived in the south since she was 18 and is still there and now my children are grown there is nothing for me in this area. 4 years sounds far but will soon be here I am sure, I desperately need a new start and a new beginning with view 4 retirement down the southern area, all info greatly appreciated as where to look an how I need to do things to prepare myself for this move, thanks xx
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Rosemary Cottage
Situated in 1066 country in a rural location. Rosemary Cottage is set on the edge of Hooe Village near Battle … more
Listed in: Bed and Breakfast
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Moving Home and Job
I would like to move home and job in the next 4 years, so I need any info on rented … more
Coast Road Accommodation
Hi All, Does anyone have one of the seafacing properties on Coast Road that they rent out for holidays? I … more