I recently visited the Church at Rye Foreign but could not find any reference to the history of the church. The building appears to be of Victorian construction although local people suggest the it is alot older – maybe early 18th century. Can anybody give me a definitive date and history?
Many thanks.
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St Mary's Centre
St Mary’s Centre has two halls, a fully equipped catering kitchen and facilities for the disabled. The Main Hall is … more
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, 8:00pm – 9:30pm
Hub on Rye Hill, Rye Foreign
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St Anthony of Padua
I recently visited the Church at Rye Foreign but could not find any reference to the history of the church. … more
Naming Mistakes
My plea for help [9 Feb] is now resolved a mistake by me in mixing Goring-on-Sea with Horing-of-Rye, which in … more