I.m looking for any information on this family, Elezabeth B 1557 ish was married to Peter Lavender from Warbleton, but so far no information found on this family past this date.
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3 responses to “De Verrye Family”
Hello there, are you looking for info on Peter and Elizebeth after this date? If so i may be able to help you. I’m currently doing some research for my family tree and I am as far back as Peter Lavender. Cheeky I know but by any chance do you have any info that would be of use to me on Peter and Elizebeth’s ancestry? Many thanks.
Yes they are my direct ancestors through the male line, but thay are as far back as I’ve been able to go, and really need to go back more and for elizabeth to find where she came from as I can find no information on her other than birth. But no parents etc. My tree is on ancestry.co.uk
Hi Michael
I also have been doing my tree. Peter and Elizabeth are at the start of mine but not been able to go back any further, though I have on other branches, one of Peters and Elizabeths decendants married into the Haffedens, as well as Isteds, one also married a Lade. The Lade line takes us back with links to every royal family u=in europe, so its been a real journey so far, but its Peter and Elizabeth I really wish to trace back.