Udimore in East Sussex Village Guide

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  • Foster

    I am hoping there are other people who have the surname of Foster in their Family History and they came from Udimore. Some of the names who came from Udimre are:- FOSTER, Benjamin Born 1757 FOSTER, Thomas Born 1781 FOSTER, James Born 1814 If you can assist please email me [reveal email] Regards Greg Johansen … read more

  • History of Udimore

    Am now open to hearing from just about anyone who can add any information regarding the history of the village. This might include any era up to today’s date! Anecdotes also welcome. … read more

  • Noakes’ Return to Udimore

    The descendants of John Noakes b 1800 d 1854 Udimore return to the village for the first time ever tomorrow 28th May to celebrate the publishing of the book “In Udimore he Remained.” … read more

  • Baker Family

    Looking for relatives of Thomas Baker b 23 Sep 1809 Fairlight (father Thomas mother Mary Foster) who married Caroline Foster (father Richard mother Jane Homard)b 27 Feb 1810 Icklesham married 1 June 1830 Udimore migrated to Australia in 1837. I, Marlene Henderson form Sydney Australia will be in Rye for 6 days from 23 July … read more

  • Udimore Cycle Speedway

    Jo, Did you have any replies on this subject, please? I have a rather dark copy of a photograph and a copy of a programme from the Udimore cycle speedway if you would like them. Is it still possible to see where the track was, please? Best wishes, Robin Richardson … read more

  • Web Site

    I didn’t know this web site existed until I found it by accident when searching for something else. Perhaps it would be worth mentioning it in “Village Voice”? … read more

  • Noakes Family

    Does anyone have any photographs / information about John Noakes’ family born 1800 in Udimore particularly sons John & William and Louisa. John the father died 1854 John the son disappeared without trace. William moved to Hastings? Julian Noakes … read more

  • William Edwards & Mary Glazier

    Looking for descendents of William & Mary Edwards (nee Glazier). Any information is most welcome. Trying to find whatever I can relating to this family. Julie. … read more

  • Family History of Noakes

    Immediate relatives from OZ family name Lawler but trace ancestors to family Noakes from Udimore 18/19th Century. Any direct links today? Visiting 18th May, staying 18/19 Mermaid Hotel Help please! … read more

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