Below are listings for outdoor activities in Lamberhurst and the surrounding area ...
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Flimwell 3.2 miles from Lamberhurst
01580 879 614
Arena Pursuits is a family run outdoor activity business based on 250 acres overlooking Bewl Water offering helicopter rides, 4 wheel driving (proper off-roading!), quad bikes or fast Honda Pilots, or more sedate country sports such as archery or clay pigeon shooting.
In Lamberhurst
01892 890 000
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800 acres country park with the largest stretch of open water in the South East. Bewl Water is the perfect place for family days out on and around the water. With cycling, boat trips, adventure playgrounds, laser challenge and great food, there is something for everyone! The largest inland stretch of water in the South … more
Goudhurst 3 miles from Lamberhurst
0843 770 4646
Bedgebury Pinetum. Take to the trees at Go Ape and experience an exhilarating course of rope bridges, Tarzan Swings and zip slides.
Set in an area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Battenhurst Meadow Bed and Breakfast is a contemporary house with far reaching … more
Listed in: Bed and Breakfast